Organisational Values
Collette Ordish • May 02, 2024

The Power of Values in Shaping Organisational Culture

Take a minute to ask yourself these questions:

  1. What values define the mission and actions of our organisation?
  2. How consistently do our daily operations reflect our current core values?
  3. What measures do we have in place to ensure our values influence our decision-making processes?
  4. In what ways do our core values shape the experiences of our employees and customers?
  5. How do we handle discrepancies between our values and our actual practices?

At the core of every successful organisation lies a solid foundation of values. 

Make no mistake, your values are not the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. They are not your goal or an aspiration. Your values are what you live and breathe - Every. Single. Day.

These values should not just be words on a page, they should be the guiding principles that dictate action, influence, decision-making, and define your company's identity. Understanding and harnessing the power of these values is a key play for any organisation aiming to build a positive work environment and drive sustainable long-term success.

Why Values Matter

Values serve as the backbone of your organisation, steering business practices and navigating market challenges. They ensure that everyone, from the C-suite to frontline employees, is aligned with the defined mission and message of the company. This alignment extends beyond internal operations, today, consumers increasingly favour companies whose ethical commitments match their own, often choosing integrity over convenience. This trend highlights a broader impact: if personal values can influence everyday decisions like where you buy your load of sourdough, imagine the effect they have on bigger choices, like choosing which accountant will handle your finances? So, aligning your company's values with those of your clientele is not just good ethics - it's good business.

Now, back to the internal dynamics… here’s just a few of the things that core values, or lack thereof, impact:

Cohesion and Alignment

Shared values create a unified front. They align diverse teams under a common goal, which enhances collaboration and (hopefully) leads to collective success.

Employee Attraction, Engagement and Retention

Clearly defined values resonate with employees who seek purpose and meaning in their work. They feel more engaged when their personal values align with those of the organisation. This, in turn, enhances employee satisfaction and reduces turnover rates. Nowadays, high performing employees are seeking-out employers whose values resonate with their own. By articulating and living by strong values, organisations can attract like-minded individuals who are passionate about contributing to their mission.

Creating a Blueprint for Success

Incorporating values into performance expectations sets a clear blueprint for expected behaviour and performance within the organisation. This not only clarifies the standards against which employees are assessed but also empowers managers to confidently address performance issues or unacceptable behaviours. By embedding values into your organisation's fabric, you equip leaders with the tools needed for those crucial conversations, ensuring that all actions are aligned with the company's core principles.

Guidance in Decision-Making

In a world filled with ethical dilemmas and competitive pressures, a well-defined set of values provides a moral framework for decision-making. This helps maintain integrity, consistency and trust with all stakeholders.

Enhancing Organisational Identity

Strong values differentiate a company in a crowded market. They are often a key factor in attracting high-value people and establishing a strong employer brand.

Resilience in Crisis

Values are a sounding board during times of change. They provide stability and a sense of direction when navigating the uncertainties of business transformation or market disruptions. Values provide a framework for decision-making and behaviour, enabling the organisation to adapt while staying true to its core principles.

PPS Values Workshop

Despite the real power of values when done right, many organisations still skate over this task, throwing together some buzzwords to list on their website and calling it a job well-done. In doing so your organisation will lack direction, cohesion, and integrity. That’s why seeking professional external support to develop your core values comes well recommended by many. 

Recognising the critical importance of strong core values to Australian organisations, we facilitate expertly developed values workshops using our tried and tested frameworks for success. These workshops are designed to help organisations like yours to articulate, refine, and embed values that truly represent their unique culture and business objectives.

Our Approach to Values Formation

Our workshops are built to ensure that your organisational values are relevant, strong, and actionable. We guide teams to identify and define values that are authentic to your organisation’s mission and vision. We’ll ensure these values are aligned with your strategic business objectives, ensuring they support long-term goals. Beyond identification, we focus on integrating these values into every aspect of your business operations, from HR practices to daily decision-making processes.

Customised Solutions for Every Stage

Whether you are looking to revisit your existing values or starting from scratch, our workshops can be tailored to meet you wherever you are.

Values Survey –
We can develop a customised survey across your workforce to understand their connection to your current values.

Values Workshops –
We can facilitate a workshop that will engage your workforce in a collaborative effort to create a meaningful set of values, from scratch.

Values Champions Workshops –
Once you have obtained data either from a survey or from a Values workshop, we can facilitate workshops with a set of ‘Values Champions’ to further refine these values into a final draft, along with a set of supporting and non-supporting behaviours which underpin each value.

Support to Operationalise Your Values –
It’s no good having a set of values if they are just words on a page and are not embedded into everything you do. We can work with you to help operationalise your values into all your people-related processes.

Operationalising Values

The real test of values lies in their execution. PPS does not stop at values creation, we ensure these values are woven into the fabric of your organisation. From recruitment to performance reviews, we integrate your values into all people-related processes. Equip your leaders to model and promote these values consistently. Engage your entire workforce in living these values through continuous education and recognition programs.

Partner with PPS for a Values-Driven Future

Your core values can transform your organisation. At PPS, we are committed to partnering with you to create values that are not only inspirational but also instrumental in driving your business forward.

Contact us today to learn more about how our value workshops can help you build a resilient and purpose-driven organisation.

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